Web technology professionals should target advertising and marketing executives to enhance employment prospects. A net 19 percent of advertising and marketing executives plan to increase staffing levels in the third quarter. Here are the positions in top demand:
- Web designers/developers
- Mobile apps designers/developers
- Interactive marketing managers
Boston Market
The list of Top 20 Web Technologies in Boston has been updated and appears in the right-hand column.Each technology links to job postings at Boston.com that list that technology keyword in the job description. The number of job postings has declined over the past 30 days and this may reflect a seasonal slowdown as the summer months begin.
None-the-less, jobs are plentiful. Even the technology in position #20 -- MySQL -- is mentioned in more than 100 job postings.
~ SQL Server is mentioned three times more frequently than MySQL.
~ SQL and Oracle are mentioned eight times more frequently than MySQL.
So, the ability to store and retrieve data is at the center of today's advertising- and marketing-driven, Web development landscape.
Next Action
If you are a Web technology professional and are interested in exploring opportunities in the marketplace, start with your LinkedIn list of connections. Search your connections for those that list "Marketing and Advertising" as their industry. Then, send each a message with an update on how you might be able to help them.
Advertising and marketing executives are looking for talented and experienced Web technology professionals. Let them know of your interest and availability. (If you also have a law degree, don't be shy in mentioning that skill as well!)
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