Thursday, June 16, 2005

Technology Skills in Demand

A survey of 1,400 Chief Information Officers (CIOs) reveals that the next three months will provide the best hiring opportunity for technology workers in the last three years. In addition, New England is expected to lead the nation in hiring demand according to the quarterly IT Hiring Index and Skills Report issued by Robert Half Technology.

skills sets reported to be in greatest demand by CIOs were the following:
  • Microsoft Windows (NT/2000/XP) administrators (77%)
  • Wireless network management (48%)
  • SQL Server management (47%)

In addition, nearly a quarter of CIOs reported a demand for Active Server Pages (ASP) development and .NET development skills.

While help desk/end-user support (17%) and networking (17%) are the job categories experiencing the most growth, data/database management (11%) and internet / intranet development (8%) professionals continue to be in short supply. These findings bode well for Web professionals with database knowledge and network administration experience.

Since many of the skills in demand are Microsoft-specific (SQL Server, ASP, .NET, etc.), Web professionals should consider obtaining certification in one of nine core skills. A 15-minute video is available to learn more about Microsoft certification.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Boston Market -- June

As discussed in yesterday's post, E-commerce Trends, online commerce continues to expand at greater than 20% annually. This month's Boston Market explores the skills necessary to be proficient in developing an e-commerce Website.

The two basic skills of HTML and SQL are the starting point because they represent the knowledge required to create a Web page (HTML) and access information from a database (SQL). Of the two skills SQL is in greater demand as reflected by current job listings in the Boston Globe:

  • SQL (412)
  • HTML (228)

A search on the combined skill set of SQL and HTML reveals 77 listings.

In addition, knowledge of a scripting technology that facilitates the connection between a Web page and a database is the third basic skill necessary to develop Web applications. Of the three primary scripting technologies, Microsoft-specific skills (ASP and ASP.NET) continue to be in the greatest demand in the Boston marketplace:

  • ASP (133)
  • ASP.NET (81)
  • PHP (34)
  • Cold Fusion (8)

A search on the combined skill set of SQL and HTML and ASP reveals 30 listings.

The links on the right-hand side provide easy access to these and other job listings in both and

Saturday, June 11, 2005

E-commerce Trends

E-commerce -- the buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet -- continues to expand at greater than 20% per year according to latest research available from Categories with products purchased largely by women will see the most growth this year. These include online sales of the following:

  • cosmetics and fragrances (33% growth)
  • over-the-counter medications and personal care (32%)
  • jewelry and luxury goods (31%)
  • flowers, cards, and gifts (30%)

The report entitled The State of Retailing Online 8.0 is a detailed survey of 137 retailers that explores the opportunities and challenges facing retailers selling and marketing on the Web, including store-based, catalog-based, and Web-only retailers.

These online retailing trends bode well for Web developers with e-commerce skills. To learn more about how to work with clients who might want you to develop an e-commerce Website access a five-lesson tutorial available from Web Monkey, The Web Developers Resource. Topics include the following:

  • Lesson 1 -- Making a plan
  • Lesson 2 -- Sales techniques
  • Lesson 3 -- Online transactions, taxes, security, credit card processing
  • Lesson 4 -- Software solutions
  • Lesson 5 -- Attracting customers