Open Ajax Project
Ajax is an evolving set of tools and standards for creating interactive Web applications. The Open Ajax Project is a collaborative of organizations that has been formed to focus on establishing universal compatibility for Ajax among computer hardware, operating systems, and other software programs. A few of the companies that have lent their support to the project include the following:
Ajax is an acronym for "Asynchronous JavaScript and XML." It is a technique used to create a "rich internet application." Web design innovations that can be incorporated into a website using Ajax include the following:- updating portions of a Web page automatically
- checking information submitted (order form information, for example)
- dragging-and-dropping objects inside a Web browser
Web designers and developers are invited to attend a FREE Ajax seminar hosted by IBM at their Cambridge office. The seminar is Tuesday, February 7 at 6:30 pm. To attend you must register at the PHP Boston Chapter Website.Since JavaScript and XML are languages used to create this technique, they should also be in the toolkit of every Web designer and developer who wants to stay current on emerging design and development trends. To get started with XML, you can sign up for Introduction to XML, a FREE online course conducted via the HP Learning Center. The eight-lesson course begins Thursday, February 16.