Sunday, April 15, 2007

2007 Entry Level Job Outlook

Expect competition for that entry level job. Employers project an average of 73 applications for each available entry-level position.

These findings were revealed in an annual survey conducted by Results were captured from surveys of nearly 1,000 employers and more than 2,500 students. A summary of the results is available in a Monster press release.

Here are two positive findings that employers revealed in the survey:
  • 76 percent of employers plan to hire 2007 graduates in the spring or summer
  • 38 percent expect to recruit more entry-level candidates than in 2006
Here are two positive findings revealed by students about their confidence in finding work:
  • 89 percent expect to receive at least one job offer by graduation
  • 74 percent expect two or more offers
Employers and graduates both perceive the following as the most important factors in hiring recent college graduates:
  • relevant work experience
  • personal characteristics, such as interviewing skills
Recognizing that employers value relevant work experience, 78 percent of graduates plan to complete at least one internship experience prior to graduation.

Here is how employers and graduates use the Internet during the hiring process:
  • One-in-five employers will check candidates' personal online profiles
  • Three-in-five of last year's graduates maintained an online profile
Finally, here is the biggest mistake a prospective candidate can make during the job search process:
  • lack of professionalism, such as tardiness or not sending a thank-you note
One in three of last year's graduates said they did not send thank-you notes after interviews.


If you are near the beginning of your career and exploring employment opportunities, here are three strategies that can help separate you from your competition:
  • Set a goal of making at least 73 contacts in your search for meaningful work
  • Maintain an up-to-date online profile that includes all relevant work-related experiences, especially internships, practicums, and other client-related work
  • Show up early and express written thanks to everyone who helps you along the way
Simply follow these three recommendations and multiple job offers are sure to follow.

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