Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Boston’s Web Innovators Group (WebInno)

A gathering of Boston’s leading entrepreneurs and Web/Mobile experts will take place on Monday, July 9. If you are looking to learn more about Web 2.0 start-ups and want to network with Boston-based business and technology professionals, then this event is for you.

WebInno Mission

Web Innovators Group (WebInno) is comprised of people engaged in Internet and mobile innovation in the Boston area. They aim to support entrepreneurs, visionaries, and creative thinkers in the field by holding events which foster community interaction.


Three "main dish" presenters will take the stage for a six-minute demo of their service:
Each "side dish" demonstrator will give a 30-second overview of their service followed by a showcase of their companies at tables spread throughout the room:
Job Seekers

Job Seekers and employers will have an easy time connecting at the event because employers looking for talent will identify themselves with a colored sticker on their name badge.

The event will be held at the Royal Sonesta Hotel Cambridge and will begin at 6:30 pm. To register for this FREE event access the WebInno Wiki.