Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Effective Networking

Nearly half of senior level executives surveyed are "confident" or "very confident" that the executive employment market will improve during the next six months. This level of optimism provides encouragement for those attempting to capitalize on end-of-year hiring plans.

While many of us may not be in the hunt for executive level jobs, we can learn a few lessons from those currently in executive positions who have demonstrated success at finding and excelling in jobs with significant responsibility and commensurate compensation.

Three Rules

According to ExecuNet, the executive career and business networking organization, networking consistently ranks as the most effective method for developing job opportunities. Executives report nearly twice as many interviews obtained by this method than any other approach.

Here are three rules for effective networking, according to ExecuNet:
  • Offer Help Before Asking For It
  • Avoid "Needworking"
  • Don’t Be Shy

Three Networking Opportunities

Here are three opportunities to practice your networking skills within the next week:

One Next Step

So, once you make a new connection by practicing the three rules at one of the three networking events, the next step is to systematically manage your new connections.

According to an article in USA Today, more than 1.4 million senior executives have LinkedIn accounts. Senior executives understand the value of effective networking. Let's follow their lead and the next door that opens might be a door to the corner office.