O'Reilly wants to Ignite Boston and you are invited to a special event.
O'Reilly Media is the publisher of technology books including such popular series as Head First, In a Nutshell and the upcoming Dynamic Learning self-paced training system for learning Adobe CS3.
Tim O'Reilly is the founder and CEO of O'Reilly Media and a Harvard graduate. He is credited with coining the phrase Web 2.0.
Ignite Boston takes place on Thursday, May 31 from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm at Tommy Doyle's at Harvard Square in Cambridge. The event includes a keynote address and "guest speakers who’ll catch you up on the cool, new, innovative stuff going on in technology today."
If you plan to attend, email IgniteBoston [at] oreilly [dot] com for the chance to win $300 worth of really cool technology books, compliments of O’Reilly Media. You must be present to walk away with the prize, so sign up and show up to win!