In the Year 1969
Zager and Evans became a one-hit wonder when their hauntingly futuristic song In the Year 2525 orbited the Billboard charts for six weeks.
"In the year 2525,In the Year 2007
If man is still alive,
If woman can survive,
They may find..."
A San Francisco-based company with its own vision for the future acquired a Waltham-based company called Windward Mark Interactive and is looking for talent to help bring its vision of the future into focus. The name of the company is Linden Lab and its vision of the future can be found in Second Life, a three dimensional online community.
In the Year 2011
. . . 80 percent of active Internet users (and Fortune 500 enterprises) will have a "Second Life"' in the virtual world, according to Gartner, Inc. " . . . don't ignore this trend. [It] will have a significant impact on your enterprise during the next five years." To learn more access a summary of Gartner's Five Laws for companies participating in the virtual world.In the Year 2017
Meet The Lindens
If you would like to be part of this future, Linden Lab would like to meet you. They are throwing a private party in Boston the evening of Wednesday, May 30. To find out how you can attend and impress the Lindens with your skills, register for the Boston Recruiting Party for your opportunity to begin a Second Life!