The Headlines
Tech Employment Holds Firm Amid Muddied Jobs Report
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Tech Unemployment Held Steady in October
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What Top Tech Skills Should You Learn for 2025?
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Rapid Growth in GenAI Job Postings: Expectations and Surprising Trends
November 21, 2024
The Job Market in Boston
While the national unemployment rate stands at 4.1 percent, the Massachusetts unemployment rate remains lower at 3.9 percent. Nationwide, the tech unemployment rate achieves an impressive 2.6 percent.
Demonstrating technical skills remains one of the best strategies for acquiring and maintaining continuous employment. However, not all technology skills are valued equally.
The list of Top 18 Web Technologies in Boston has been updated for November. This list is based on keyword searches in job postings at Indeed.com. The most in-demand keywords are listed more frequently than less in-demand keywords.
The Top 18 Web Technologies in Boston
Here are The Top 18 most in-demand web technologies ranked by number of job postings on Indeed.
November, 2024
- agile *** | 1,000+ (job postings)
- AI | 1,000+
- Python | 1,000+
- SQL | 1,000+
- AWS | 900+
- artificial intelligence | 600+
- Java | 600+
- social media | 600+
- JavaScript | 500+
- API | 300+
- Azure | 300+
- C# | 300+
- data visualization | 300+
- Docker | 300+
- Git | 300+
- Jira | 300+
- Kubernetes | 300+
- scrum *** | 300+
*** Note: While "agile" and "scrum" are not technologies, they are methodologies used in technology development. These two keywords appear in many web development job descriptions. Knowledge of, and experience with, these methodologies are common practice.
Web Apprentices
To learn more about these and other in-demand technologies, visit Web Apprentices, a technology skills development platform offered as a service to Boston PHP Meetup members and 10,000+ developers and aspiring developers who are members of MergePHP.
Additional Top Web Technologies in Boston are being counted down on Beantown Web's Twitter page @webapprentices.
This blog post was written entirely by a real human named Gene Babon. Learn more about my project management training as recognized by the Project Management Institute (PMI).
View all recent Boston Web Tech Job Market blog postings.